Some of our volunteers experiences

Dear Volunteers, have the pleasure to write any comments you would like to give to the world and to us.

Email Nov. 19, 2021

Claudia Schrunner

Hallo everyone, I was fortunate to spend 3 weeks at Thandizani and simply loved my time there! My contribution was very flexible as Edwin and the teachers are happy to imclude whatever a volunteer wants to share with the children, as long as it fits into
the schools schedule of course. I did Yoga with the children, small reading groups, a bit of handicraft, and the best part was that we started a needle project, sewing! A donation project with friends and family brought a roof for a new building and it was
wonderful to see how the donation money went straight into material and work!! I enjoyed my time tremendously and want to come back as soon as I can! If you can manage to spend some weeks in Thandizani, I am sure you will have an extraordinary and wonderful
experience! Just do it!

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