We're so proud of our first generation going to high school

As part of our mission, we are committed to give to the children of our community and surrounding the best free education, creating a better and meaningful future for them.

This 2021, we are so excited and proud to tell you that we have graduated our first generation of 7 grade, who are going to the secondary school to keep learning and working on their future. 

We want to thank to all the staff of these project, and every donor and person who has helped us all of these years. Without you, it would have been impossible.

Nevertheless, to assure a promissing future to these high school students, we are still needing sponsorships for them.

So, make a difference and sponsor one of our students, then he can keep studying!  (see donation/sponsor section for more information)

Let's keep creating a better future for the children of Simoonga Village! 

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